What’s In My Bag?
These days I am truly more of a minimalist when it comes to what I throw in my bag. I do have a tote that stays in the truck with a few more essentials.
Stop Waiting For The “Perfect Moment” And Just Let Go!
Today, let’s talk about letting go…it truly is a multidimensional process. We have to learn to effectively let go of bad habits, old clothes, and people that no longer bring us JOY!
My Morning Routine That Keeps Me Productive
Today, let’s talk morning routines… Since the start of the new year and reading the book “Atomic Habits”. I’ve been on a habits kick lately.
“Girl, Unplug. You Need A Break.”
Hey, girl, hey! Please tell me that I am not the only one up scrolling at night. I mean seriously lately between the news and everything else going on in the world, you can easily get caught up in the endless cycle of boredom and procrastination which leads to overwhelm.