Building A Firm Foundation For Your Children

Building a Firm Foundation For Your Children

What if I told you, you only had 832 opportunities to get your child(ren) ready for the world? We all know that our time with your child(ren) is short and our most important task as parents is to get them ready for the real world.

More and more we might wonder what the world is coming to.  I often catch myself scratching my head or jaw dropped in surprise (and often shock) of what is occurring in our global arena. Assortment of problems here and I do not intend to go into any of these loaded topics but all of a sudden things that use to seem obvious (such as common decency and discipline ? ) are now being questioned and thrown out the door. Some days I really fear for our children and the next generation and I wonder will they ever be ‘OK’ in a world that seems so ‘NOT OK’ at the moment. What if I told you, you only had 832 opportunities to get your children ready for the world? Only 832 opportunities to make sure they can be solid in their faith and know what the truth is? Only 832 opportunities to build real resilience to withstand the storms that they might face through their life.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6  

Don’t know about you but putting it that way, suddenly 832 opportunities doesn’t seem like much at all. 16 years is the number of years between the ages of 2 and 18. 16 years is roughly how much time you have to build faith and truth into your children while they are under your roof. So, if your daughter is 6 years old it means you only have 624 weeks left and if your son is 15 you only have 156 weeks left. Our time with our children is short and the time to help them build their faith is NOW.

Building a Firm Foundation For Your Children

Life can be busy and focused family chats and discussions around the dinner table does not seem to be the norm anymore.  I would like to encourage you to dedicate and set aside some time ONCE a week. What a great opportunity to really ‘invest’ in our children! I appreciate that such a task might seem intimidating to some but we’re here to help!  Please allow us to be a resource to help and guide you. We would love to partner with you in prayer on this journey we call parenting.  

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Let’s be thankful for the moments, the opportunities, and the challenges of being a parent and treasure each and every moment by intentionally investing in the foundation of our child(ren). 

XO, Kangelia

Photos by Christina Jones Photography


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