Am I Doing the Right Thing?

Am I Doing the Right Thing?

Am I doing the right thing? Is this going anywhere? Will I get there? Will all this effort pay off in the end? Is it worth it?

On the blog today I’ll be discussing, “Trusting the Process”.

My hubby and I were reviewing our vision boards last night and there are several things on there that have actually manifested and there are many things that we are patiently waiting for; so let me encourage you to HOLD THE VISION AND TRUST THE PROCESS!

You have to Fan the Flame of Faith as you wait for your heart’s desire. Once that Vision is set… Have Faith!

Yes, its a process. Yes, there will be challenges, suffering and even tragedy. But, don’t lose sight of your goals and dreams. 1 Peter 5:10

It is a sweet reminder that God is in control of all things and he alone knows his purpose in all these things and he will take care of us. Do not be weary and trust that he knows our needs and hears our prayers. In our season of waiting we must be patient; for God’s timing is always perfect. Ecclesiastes 3:11.

Sometimes the wit is for God to align other pieces of the plan. Sometimes the wait is for God to align the pieces of our hearts. As much as we want that dream/goal to come- sometimes we’re not ready. We have more to learn, more to change, more to grow. An optimistic heart and mindset carry through the process and this life.

  • So, despite that, it looks like…

  • Despite how you feel…

  • Despite everything else…

HOLD the Vision and Trust the Process!

If this spoke to your heart today… Please share it with someone who needs this reminder!

Photos by Christina Jones Photography

How To Hold the Vision & Trust the Process

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