Here’s A Dose Of Positivity!
Listen, have you ever felt like you wanted to speed up life, because you’re not exactly where you want to be? What about doing something that was wasting your time, because you felt there’s so much more out there for you?
Better yet, have you ever felt like you’re so far behind everyone else, and that you should be much further along this journey called life? I would be willing to bet that most of you have because I most certainly have been there.
Life can be challenging and even downright hard at times. But, I believe life is more about experiencing each moment than anything else. It’s in those tough times that you grow, and truly become who you are today. I encourage you to stop fighting the inevitable, because hard work will yield great rewards. Let’s work towards what you want so that it will get you towards your goals, by appreciating the challenging moments and shifting your perspective. When I look back over my life, I can see that where I was at that moment was exactly where I was supposed to be. Even those valley experiences were used to push me to my purpose. It may not always have been easy, but I promise you that it’s worth it.
Stop trying to figure it out. Stop comparing yourself to others and just trust the process. When you look back you’ll see that everything that happened was meant to be…. it was either for a reason, season or lifetime (lesson).
Today, let me encourage you to simply trust that you are exactly where you’re supposed be. Let me challenge you to:
Stop comparing yourself to others.
Comparisons are truly the thief of joy. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing, just focus on your own life.
Stop trying to fight the experience that you’re currently in.
It’s much easier when you just let everything be as it’s meant to be.
Trust the process.
Trust that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, because you are my friend. Honor the space between no longer and not yet beauties. Because we don’t always have control over what happens to us, but we can always control how we respond and what we do next. Let’s be real has comparison ever helped anyone achieve anything? It doesn’t tend to be a motivating factor, instead quite the opposite. That’s why it’s time to put to rest comparison and step into contentment which leads to fulfillment. You bring something to the table, and you have a great purpose here. Know your vision and commit to it.
Here are some more posts from the blog to help you deal with negative vibes:
Comparison Is The Thief of Joy
Meet me in the comments and let’s chat about an easy or difficult time you had in trusting the plans and purpose that God had for your life.
Photos by Christina Jones Photography